Nine Nifty Ideas From San Francisco Green Schoolyards
1. Nature inspired poetry displayed on a long clothesline makes a great literary focal point in the garden.2. At this school, the side of the shed provides wall space for nature facts, schoolyard information and art displays.3. An outdoor sink with a simple hose hookup and a drain just opening onto the ground makes outdoor handwashing easy.4. Whiteboards outdoors mean absolutely any lesson can happen in the fresh air and sunshine.5. Curvy raised beds made with recycled plastic lumber and reinforced with galvanized fence posts turn a steep hillside into a lush garden classroom.6. Stumps provide a meandering path through the bed and an opportunity for a little balancing.7. The coolest watering system ever: Movable stands support gutters that can be combined and arranged by kids to direct water to any bed that needs it.8. Who could resist watering with these these individual sprinklers (made by punching holes in a yogurt container or milk jug)?9. Brighten up dreary asphalt with bright colored paint and lots of container gardens.